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  • Advocacy | Fluoride Free Canada

    ADVOCATES FOR THE RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT Many Canadians are actively pursuing a ban on fluoridation in their municipalities and Fluoride Free Canada offers its support. Feel free to use the following information as resources. Our Director of Fluoride Free Canada , Dr. Bob Dickson, is also the President of Safe Water Calgary. He is interviewed here on his involvement in Human Rights. ONTARIO WORKING GROUP The Ontario Working Group (OWG) was formed to coordinate strategies aimed at ending water fluoridation in municipalities across Ontario. This effort is led by Gilles Parent, whose leadership was pivotal in making Quebec 99.75% fluoridation-free. The Ontario Working Group (OWG) is currently contacting all groups that they can locate online to confirm that they are still active. For access to OWG meetings, please contact: SAFE WATER CALGARY Safe Water Calgary is dedicated to working with City officials and qualified experts to ensure that our water is the SAFEST POSSIBLE given our available resources. Various individuals and groups on occasion attempt to influence City Council to re-introduce fluoridation chemicals to our water. This website is dedicated to providing the most relevant, verifiable and least biased data available about the nature and physiological effects of fluoride ions and fluoridated water. Contact: CALGARY CAMPAIGN to Vote NO on Oct, 2021 plebicite MEDIA BIAS IN CALGARY - We're not taking this lying down! FLUORIDE FREE WINDSOR-ESSEX Fluoride Free Windsor is dedicated to keeping citizens of Windsor and Essex County up-to-date on their campaign to have their water supply free of the product called hydrofluorosilicic acid. Environment Canada calls this product "hazardous waste" but the Public Health Unit has convinced the Windsor Council and Windsor Utilities Commission that it is effective at preventing tooth decay and safe for all citizens to ingest every day for their lifetime. However, this is not true. This industrial waste has not been properly tested for safety and has not been shown to be effective, as you will see if you read the entries on this website. Media Article: September 1st, 2021 CTV News: September 1st, 2021 Media Article: September 2nd, 2021 Contact us through Facebook: Fluoride Free Windsor Ontario VIDEO : Public Health Officer Admits Fluoridation Chemical is NOT Tested nor Regulated by Health Canada, 2011 QUEBEC COALITION FOR RESPONSIBLE WATER MANAGEMENT November 1996 provoked many debates until giving birth to the Coalition for a Public Debate on Water, which in 1997 became the Quebec Coalition for Responsible Water Management - Eau Secours! The mission of Eau Secours in Quebec, is to promote the protection and responsible management of water from a perspective of environmental health, equity, accessibility and collective defense of the rights of the population. Contact: CTV NEWS VIDEO : Petition calling on Montreal to remove fluoride from water, August 2021 "WHEN CITIZENS GET INVOLVED" December 2021 – An article published by The Nouvelliste in Three-Rivers, QC in which the journalist recalls many "David & Goliath" citizens’ battles including that against fluoridation in Trois-Rivières which lasted 6-year. Yes, six years against a powerful and obstinate mayor and all the money of the Health Ministry and Public Health. The contract to the builder was already allocated, but because Public Health could not respond properly to our challenge, the project was abandoned at the very last minute. Also, 20,000 signatures proved to them that the social acceptability was not there. Conclusion...never quit! [Article in French ] FLUORIDE FREE LETHBRIDGE The mission of Fluoride Free Lethbridge (Alberta) is to inform the public and our city officials of the hazards of fluoridation and to put a stop to this egregious practice. Get involved. We’re in this together. Contact us through Facebook: FluorideFreeLethbridge VIDEO : Lethbridge Fluoridation Forum 2013 FLUORIDATION FREE OTTAWA We are working to end the injustice of fluoridation for healthier drinking water. See the evidence about fluoride in our drinking water. You will never look at tap water the same way again. Contact: FLUORIDE FREE REGINA Regina City Council moved to implement water fluoridation in August, 2021. Fluoride Free Regina was formed in October to bring the message to the citizens of Regina, to ask their citizens to contact their councillor to have them repeal the motion, and to get signatures for a referendum. Unfortunately not enough signatures were obtained. Fluoride Free Canada has stepped in to offer their resources. Contact: or via Facebook FLUORIDE FREE MONTREAL Hello and welcome to Fluoride Free Montreal, this group is set up around one clear goal: ending water fluoridation in Pointe-Claire and Dorval, thus ultimately ending it for the Island of Montreal. These are the last two locations on the Island of Montreal where that is happening. With those two locations being two of only four places left in the entire province of Quebec. Fluoride Free Canada has stepped in to offer their resources. December 20, 2024 - Quebec is now 99.75% fluoride free. Read the letter sent to Montreal-area councillors explaining their objections. Contact: or via Facebook END FLUORIDE TORONTO We are ordinary citizens who believe that medication should never be added to the water supply under any circumstance. We are fighting to get fluoride out of Toronto's water supply. We are fighting for our health. We are doing this out of our own pockets, and out of our own hearts. The scary truth is that fluoride is not medication; fluoride is poison plain and simple. Fluoride is actually a chemical waste called "hydrofluosilicic acid" and it comes from smokestacks. There is a reason your toothpaste says "Poison: Do Not Swallow." Please read all the studies provided in this website. Questions or comments? Please visit our Contact Us page to send Danny a direct message. You can also visit our Facebook page, Fluoride Free Toronto . VANCOUVER – CHALLENGING THE MEDIA Article in the CBC News inferring Metro Vancouver is the "Rotten tooth capital of Canada". Challenge from the Director of Fluoride Free Canada, Dr. Bob Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP to the Producer of the story. Response from CBC's Shiral Tobin and further challenge to Jack Nagler, CBC Ombudsman. CITIES ON A WATCH LIST Fluoridation Free Canada is also supporting the following cities where the local government is in the process of mandating water fluoridation: Kingston, Ontario

  • OWG | Fluoride Free Canada

    ONTARIO WORKING GROUP Brant County Fluoride Free Brant County Facebook Hamilton Fluoride Free Hamilton (20+) Fluoride Free Hamilton | Facebook Lambton Fluoride Free Lambton Facebook London Fluoride Free London Ontario Fluoride Free London Ontario | Facebook Oshawa Fluoride Free Oshawa Facebook Ottawa Fluoridation-Free Ottawa Fluoridation-Free Ottawa - Main Information Page - City of Ottawa - Fluoridation-Free Ottawa Owen Sound Fluoridation Free Owen Sound Fluoridation Free Owen Sound | Facebook Peel Region Fluoride Free Peel Fluoride Free Peel Sudbury Sudburians for a Fluoride Free Sudbury Sudburians For A Fluoride-Free Sudbury | Facebook Toronto End Fluoride Toronto END FLUORIDE TORONTO | Help Us End The Use Of Fluoride Fluoride Free Toronto (20+) Facebook Windsor Fluoride Free Windsor-Essex Fluoride Free Windsor-Essex | Windsor ON | Facebook

  • About | Fluoride Free Canada

    OUR MISSION Fluoride Free Canada's mission is to educate the public and decision-makers on the urgent need to eliminate artificial water fluoridation across Canada, on both ethical and safety grounds. OUR VISION For Canada to be a country in which scientific integrity and sound medical ethics underpin every public health policy and one in which we can have confidence in public pronouncements from all health officials, especially community-based Medical Officers of Health. That has not been the case with water fluoridation. Fluoride Free Canada is registered as a Canadian not-for-profit organization. We support Canadians in their efforts to educate local elected decision makers about the health risks of municipal tap water fluoridation. Send us a message to let us know you support our efforts and wish to be added to this growing list. OUR STEERING COMMITTEE ROBERT C DICKSON, MD, CCFP, FCFP DIRECTOR Calgary, AB PHILIPPA VON ZIEGENWEIDT TREASURER Windsor, ON JENNIFER MARETT, BASc SECRETARY Guelph, ON GILLES PARENT, ND ADVISOR Danville, QC JAMES P WINTER, PhD ADVISOR LaSalle, ON KIM DE YONG, BA, BEd ADVISOR Windsor, ON RICHARD HUDON ADVISOR Apple Hill, ON OUR FOUNDING MEMBERS Founding Members HOW CAN YOU HELP? We need people like you to work with us. Please consider volunteering your special skills and/or interests that could help make our mission successful (such as graphic artists, cartoonists, writers, editors, proofreaders, translators, social media experts, organizers, etc.). Even though our organization is new, we will always need assistance with the following roles: Media Responsible for the website's media page. All media requests will go through the Media Director, who will refer the requests to a designated spokesperson. Write press releases in coordination with others. Maintain the media list. Province/Territory Liaisons Responsible for content on the website page for their respective province/territory. Provincial Coordinator will oversee all liaisons. Government Reports Responsible for the website's Government Reports page. Follow reports released by the Federal and Provincial governments. Newsletter Responsible for the website's Newsletter page. Write and distribute a newsletter (minimum of two each month), based on the reports of the other groups. Art & Graphics Coordinate with the Webmaster on images used. Translation Responsible for the integrity of the language used on our bi-lingual site. Translate English to French Translate French to English Send us a question or offer your assistance

  • Who is With Us | Fluoride Free Canada

    WHO IS WITH US? In stark contrast to the Center for Disease Control’s claim that fluoridation is one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century, it is one of the most widely REJECTED health interventions in the world. See the countries and communities who still fluoridate and the overwhelming majority who do not! Many organizations still support fluoridation, but those opposing it grows year by year. They include: Organizations Opposing Fluoridation Organismes s’opposant à la fluoration In addition, many organizations once endorsing fluoridation have pulled back, no longer taking a position. Organizations Who No Longer Endorse Fluoridation Organismes qui n'approuvent plus la fluoration Dr. Pamela Cunningham of provides parents with holistic and science-based information to raise happy, healthy children. The following is her blog on fluoride in drinking water ...

  • FAQ | Fluoride Free Canada

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON FLUORIDE Why is fluoride added to water? Fluoride is added to water to prevent cavities (tooth decay), a disease that is not waterborne. However, fluoride should be applied topically to teeth, such as fluoridated toothpaste, rather than forced through tap water on adults, children, and infants What makes fluoride different from other water treatment chemicals? All water treatment chemicals except fluoride are added to make drinking water safe and pleasant to drink. Fluoride is the only chemical added to "treat people" consuming the water, rather than the water itself. Water fluoridation can be described as a form of mass medication, which is why most European countries have rejected this practice. Do we need fluoride? No. It is now well established that fluoride is not an essential nutrient. This means that no human disease – including tooth decay – will result from fluoride “deficiency”. Fluoridation of tap water is therefore different from adding iodine to salt. Unlike fluoride, iodine is an essential nutrient. Iodine is involved in metabolism, moving cellular secretions from inside cells to the outside. Iodine is also involved in the frontline immune response, energy production, fetal and early childhood cognitive development, and hormone production, as well as in the detoxification of heavy metals, halogens, radiation and much more. No such need exists for fluoride. In fact, fluoride will displace iodine on cell receptors, creating an iodine deficiency. Is fluoride naturally present in water? Typically, the only fresh water with high levels of fluoride (other than water polluted by fluoride-emitting industries) is water from deep wells. Rather than being something to celebrate, high levels of naturally occurring fluorides have wreaked havoc on the health of tens of millions of people around the world. People consuming water containing naturally high levels of fluoride have been found to suffer from serious health problems, including disfiguring tooth damage, bone disease, ulcers, reduced IQ, thyroid disease and infertility. For this reason, international organizations like UNICEF are helping developing countries find ways to remove fluoride from their water. Fortunately, most freshwater sources contain very low levels of fluoride. The average level of fluoride in unpolluted fresh water is less than 0.1 ppm, which is about 7 times lower than the levels added to water in Canadian fluoridation programs (0.7 mg/L). The frequent assertion, therefore, that “nature thought of fluoridation first” does not stand up to scrutiny. Where does the fluoride added to the water come from? The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are called “silicofluorides” (ie hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate). Silicofluorides are not pharmaceutical grade fluorinated products; they are unprocessed industrial by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry. Since these silicofluorides do not undergo any purification procedures, they can contain high levels of arsenic, more than any other water treatment chemical. Additionally, recent research suggests that adding silicofluorides to water is a risk factor for elevated lead exposure, especially among residents who live in homes with old plumbing. Does fluoridated water reduce tooth decay? If water fluoridation has any benefit, it is minimal. Recent large-scale studies in the United States have found little real or statistical difference in rates of tooth decay in children living in fluoridated areas compared to non-fluoridated areas. Additionally, data compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that tooth decay rates have declined just as rapidly in non-fluoridated Western countries as in fluoridated Western countries. Should fluoride be swallowed to prevent tooth decay? No. Although water fluoridation was initially endorsed on the premise that ingesting fluoride is the most effective way to strengthen teeth, most dental researchers now agree that the primary benefit of fluoride comes from topical contact directly with the teeth, not from ingestion. You don't have to swallow fluoride to prevent tooth decay, whether it's in the form of water or tablets. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this point in the fluoride debate, especially when one considers that the risks of fluoride come primarily from ingestion. Are there any risks in swallowing fluoride? Fluoride has long been known to be a very toxic substance. This is why, like arsenic, fluoride has been used in pesticides and rodenticides (to kill rats, insects, etc.). It's also why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that all fluoride toothpaste sold in the United States carry a poison warning that instructs users to contact the poison control center if they swallow more than should be used for brushing. Excessive fluoride exposure is well known to cause painful bone disease (skeletal fluorosis), as well as tooth discoloration known as dental fluorosis. Excessive fluoride exposure has also been linked to a range of other chronic diseases, including arthritis, brittle bones, glucose intolerance, gastrointestinal disorders, thyroid disease and possibly heart disease and certain types of cancer. Although the lowest doses that cause some of these effects are not yet well defined, it is clear that certain subgroups of the population are particularly vulnerable to fluoride toxicity. Populations that have an increased sensitivity to fluoride include infants, people with kidney disease, people with nutritional deficiencies (particularly of calcium and iodine), and people with medical conditions that cause excessive thirst. How do I avoid fluoride in my tap water? If you live in a community that fluoridates its water supply, there are several options to avoid drinking the fluoride that is added. Unfortunately, each of these options will cost money (unless you have access to a free source of spring water). Options include: Spring water: Most spring water contains very low levels of fluoride (usually less than 0.1 ppm). Water Filtration: Water filters that remove fluoride include: reverse osmosis, deionizers that use an ion exchange resin, and activated alumina. Cheaper water filters (eg Brita) use an "activated carbon" filter which does NOT remove fluoride. Water Distillation: Water distillation is an effective way to remove fluoride from water. Water distillation units are available in different sizes, including a smaller countertop version. My child has dental fluorosis. What can I do to fix it? The tooth discoloration that fluorosis causes can be reduced and sometimes eliminated by relatively expensive cosmetic treatments. Treatment options for fluorosis, however, will depend on the severity of the fluorosis. If our water does not contain fluoride, should we give our child fluoride supplements? Supplements were developed on the mistaken assumption that fluoride is a nutrient and is effective when swallowed. Modern research has found that fluoride supplements greatly increase the risk of dental fluorosis and do little if anything to reduce tooth decay. Most Western countries have consequently begun to eliminate the use of fluoride supplements and even the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends them only for children who are at particularly high risk of tooth decay.

  • Home | Fluoride Free Canada

    To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Recent government-funded peer-reviewed science indicates that fluoride has the potential to damage the brains of our children. 2024 COURT CASE—WE WON! Sept. 24, 2024 - History has been made . After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case . A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an "unreasonable risk" to the health of children , and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly in our favour. Below is an excerpt from the introduction of the ruling: "The issue before this Court is whether the Plaintiffs have established by a preponderance of the evidence that the fluoridation of drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public within the meaning of Amended TSCA. For the reasons set forth below, the Court so finds. Specifically, the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children...the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response...One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk." PRESS RELEASE CANADIANS ADVOCATING FOR THEIR RIGHTS View WHO FLUORIDATES AND WHO DOESN'T View HOW DID WE GET HERE & WHAT DIFFICULTIES AROSE View NEW SCIENCE THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! View WHO IS WITH US View When municipalities fluoridate our tap water, it denies Canadians the right to choose whether they wish to drink it, shower in it or cook with it. At Fluoride Free Canada we support all efforts across Canada to end this outdated practice. We will endeavour to help both municipalities and individuals by providing them with the best science that indicates that this practice is harmful to health, especially the dangers it poses to the brains of our children and the bones of the elderly. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. Watch this short video and learn the most current truth... IAOMT Video LETTER TO GOVERNMENT BODIES Even though fluoridation is a municipal responsibility, Fluoride Free Canada has written a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to inform him that water fluoridation has the potential to threaten the brains of our children. We believe he must act on their behalf. Feel free to modify/alter this letter, for presentation to your own Provincial and Municipal bodies. We urge you to send out your own copy of this letter and get as many other people you know to do so as well. There is much information in this letter that the other political leaders and Canadian citizens do not know, so circulating this letter far and wide is a splendid educational tool for all Canadians. Help us move Prime Minister Trudeau and the Provincial and Territorial Premiers to protect Canadian childrens' developing brains from fluoridated tap water. Dear Prime Minister Trudeau Top Canadian scientists concur that the fetal and infant brain can be damaged by fluoridated tap water... LETTER TO TRUDEAU SENT SEPT. 1, 2021 Trial Case Status THE UNITED STATES WON ITS CASE On September 24, 2024 a US Federal court ruled in favour of Food and Water Watch, et al. in their proceedings against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . The case was heard in June 2020 (via Zoom). In the case, testimony was provided by Philippe Grandjean, Howard Hu co-author of the Bashash (2017 , 2018 ) studies and Bruce Lanphear, co-author of the Green (2019 ) and Till (2020 ) studies. The judge was very interested in the new science and delayed his ruling until he had in his hands the final report of the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity and the Benchmark Dose (BMD) analysis by Grandjean (et al). This could bode VERY WELL for Canadians, as it would be hard for the Canadian government to ignore any changes implemented by the EPA in favour of defluoridation. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CASE HISTORY & THE LATEST The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) website has existed since the year 2000 and rather than duplicate the information that they have on Canadian activity, it is included here: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPORTS CANADIAN STUDIES CANADIAN NEWS ARTICLES Paul Connett, PhD, is a retired professor of chemistry specializing in environmental chemistry and toxicology. He is the current director of the Fluoride Action Network, which he helped to found in 2000. He co-authored the book The Case Against Fluoride [Chelsea Green, 2010] with Dr. James Beck from Calgary and Dr. Spedding Micklem from Edinburgh, Scotland. He is featured in several of the videos below. He has been involved since 1996 and has helped many communities in Canada fight fluoridation. He has given presentations on the topic in many cities in Canada, including: Toronto, Ottawa, Oakville, Brantford, London, Mississauga, Peterborough, Dryden, Waterloo, Calgary, Montreal and Prince George. Video Strip Fluoride Free Canada Play Video Play Video 29:27 Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo's News Conference On Fluoride In Water Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo spoke in Winter Haven on Nov 22, 20224, saying all communities statewide should stop adding fluoride to drinking water. Play Video Play Video 59:58 FLUORIDE DANGERS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT [with Michael Connett] - 2024 Adding fluoride to drinking water without citizen's knowledge or consent is medication by force/fraud. I convinced the city council to stop fluoridating the our city's water back in 2014 and I encourage you to talk to your council as well. There is too much risk of harm with very little evidence of benefit. Follow your dentist's advice about topical application of fluoride to your teeth. Michael Connett is a partner at Siri & Glimstad LLP with extensive civil litigation experience in both the personal injury and regulatory arenas. Mr. Connett’s civil practice is focused on obtaining justice for individuals harmed by corporate negligence, misguided medical practices, and overreaching government mandates. He has successfully represented individuals and families who have suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of toxic substances, and has spearheaded groundbreaking litigation to challenge outdated chemical safety standards under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Served as lead attorney for environmental health groups in precedent-setting case (Food & Water Watch v. EPA) that resulted in a federal court ordering the EPA to eliminate the “unreasonable risk” posed by fluoridation of drinking water. Represented families of mesothelioma victims against a manufacturer of asbestos-contaminated talc, which resulted in over $50 million in settlements. Successfully obtained over $20 million in settlements for two families in lawsuit against a global aerospace company for birth defects caused by occupational chemical exposures. Spearheaded dozens of FOIA requests which unearthed emails documenting that federal health officials had suppressed a long-awaited government review on the health effects of fluoride. Served as co-counsel to former EPA Deputy Administrator in cases addressing asbestos and PFAS (“forever chemicals”) under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The Ruling: Medicine that contains fluoride: Fluoride & Children's IQ: Check your cities water (US): Fluoride Action Network: Research on Fluoride: Mr Connett: Join our COMMUNITY Support & Knowledge: Proper Human Diet principles video: Proper Human Diet GUIDEBOOK: DAILY MINERAL Drops: (discount) Support the American Diabetes Society: LIES MY DOCTOR TOLD ME: KICKING ASS AFTER 50 book: COMMON SENSE LABS book: PHD Merch: (T-Shirts, Tanks, Hoodies, etc) Holiday KETO Cookbook: Great Keto Recipes: Eat Real MEAT: (discount = BERRY) Pluck Organ Seasonings code = DRKEN for 25% off Support Our Mission: LMNT electrolytes: (free gift) Farm Channel: Neisha’s Channel: Best JERKY I’ve tasted: Awesome Coffee roasted in Tennessee: (discount) Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to, and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases. Play Video Play Video 01:47:15 DLFDY 38 - Gilles Parent, ND | L'essence du fluor - Partie I Bienvenue sur les ondes de Franc Masson! Pour supporter: Paypal: Interac: avec mot de passe: franc --- Vous écoutez le podcast "Dans le franc des yeux" - #DLFDY Thématique: La fluoration de l'eau Épisode 38 - Gilles Parent, ND | L'essence du fluor - Partie I Qui n’a jamais entendu dire que « Le fluor dans l’eau c’est poison, ça va calcifier ta glande pinéale ! » Ce genre de commentaires a eu tendance à être disqualifié de la conversation scientifique ou encore traité de « pseudo-scientifique » pendant des décennies par la majorité des institutions gouvernementales ou scientifiques qui gèrent notre vie. Avec notre invité, Gilles Parent, ND, nous allons en profondeur dans tous les racoins possibles de la question de la fluoration de l’eau dans cet épisode qui fut diffusé initialement au printemps 2020. De la « maison de fou gouvernementale » aux études scientifiques, en passant par la nature de « déchet industriel » des composites de fluorures qui ont été imposées à des populations (moi compris !) insoucieuses des effets néfastes potentiels de ces produits… tout y passe avec l’expert principal de la question du fluor au Québec. Soyez prêts car la semaine prochaine, on fait une mise à jour de mai 2024 avec Monsieur Parent, cet épisode est donc une mise en bouche pour le prochain (DLFDY 39). Avertissement : cet épisode est complètement jam pack d’informations, soyez prêts mentalement ! Bon show :) Ligne de temps: Non disponible pour cet épisode. --- Suivez Gilles Parent et ses travaux : Mémoires déposés lors du mandat « Étude de la pétition portant sur la fluoration de l’eau potable » : Amazon - La fluoration: Autopsie d'une erreur scientifique : IG - Suivez le compte Fluoridealert: Si vous désirez suivre Franc Masson en ligne: Yt: Fb: X: Rumble: Odyssee: Telegram: --- Crédit audio: Aim to Head - TITAN - Song: Passage (Copyright Free) Thanks Aim to Head!! Youtube Channel: e-mail: Spotify --- Play Video Play Video 18:48 Fluoride Trial Interview - Dr. Philippe Grandjean Dr. Philippe Grandjean was interviewed by journalist Derrick Broze after Dr. Grandjean's testimony Friday 2/2 at the third day of trial in the #FluorideLawsuit. Play Video Play Video 17:47 Fluoride Trial Interview - Dr. Bruce Lanphear Dr. Bruce Lanphear was interviewed by journalist Derrick Broze after Dr. Lanphear's testimony Thursday 2/1 at the second day of trial in the #FluorideLawsuit. Play Video Play Video 09:47 Fluoride Trial Interview - Dr. Howard Hu Dr. Howard Hu was interviewed by journalist Derrick Broze after Dr. Hu’s testimony Wednesday 1/31 at the first day of trial in the #FluorideLawsuit Play Video Play Video 36:06 Fluoride Trial Interview - Attorney Michael Connett Lead attorney Michael Connett was interviewed by journalist Derrick Broze after day 6 of trial in the #FluorideLawsuit. Play Video Play Video 19:03 The Government Is MEDICATING Our Drinking Water To "Help” Us, Are Vaccines Next? Michael Connett is the lead attorney in a groundbreaking lawsuit against the EPA that seeks to ban the addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water. The case, which is set to start trial tomorrow before a federal court in San Francisco, focuses on a growing body of science linking fluoride exposure to adverse neurodevelopmental disorders in children, and features studies funded by the National Institutes of Health. Michael is a partner at Waters Kraus & Paul in the firm’s Los Angeles office. He represents victims catastrophically injured by toxic substances and dangerous products, including families dealing with birth defects resulting from chemical exposures in manufacturing industries. Link to watch the court trial [] Webinar ID: 161 991 1861 Password: 912881 **About the show The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily. **Medical Disclaimer: The CDC states that masks are effective and patients should not try medications or protocols that are not approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. This program is not a replacement for medical advice and may explore counter opinions. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health. INFORMATIVE VIDEOS AND INTERVIEWS Presentations PRESENTATIONS TO GOVERNMENT BODIES Use this content to formulate your own presentation! UK Parliament Dec/2021 Result: Still outstanding Orillia, ON 2012 Result: Rejected Fluoridation Calgary, AB 2011 Result: Rejected Fluoridation (Vote 10-3) PowerPoint with Script Windsor, ON 2012 Result: Rejected Fluoridation (Unfortunately, fluoridation reintroduced in 2022) 2024 Presentation to Council Highlights Latest Science Windsor, ON 2024 HELP US $ HELP YOU Stay up to date on all fluoridation related news, advocacy, science, and actions you can take locally to help end this practice. Sign-Up “Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.” Voltaire

  • Trudeau Letter-Supporting Document | Fluoride Free Canada

    SUPPORTING DOCUMENT for letter sent to Prime Minister Trudeau and all Canadian Premiers September 1st, 2021 NEUROTOXICITY OF FLUORIDE AND DOCUMENTED HARM ON OTHER TISSUES Neurotoxicity There is an ever-growing body of peer-reviewed studies, beginning in the mid-1990s, that indicate that fluoride is neurotoxic. To date, more than 76 human studies , most from endemic fluorosis areas in China, have associated lowered IQ with fluoride exposure. Promoters of water fluoridation have dismissed the relevance of these studies (a) because of methodological limitations and (b) because many—but not all—of these findings occurred at higher fluoride concentrations than those used in water fluoridation programs. Nevertheless, there has been general agreement that the findings have been remarkably consistent [Choi et al., 2012 ]. A very significant improvement in the quality of these studies occurred in 2017, when the first of four prospective cohort studies funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [NIEHS] in the United States were published: [Bashash et al., 2017 and 2018 ]; [Green et al., 2019 ] (also funded by Health Canada ) and [Till et al., 2020 ]. Canadian researchers were involved in all of these rigorously designed studies. For the first time, the studies included pregnant women and their offspring. This was important, because fluoride is known to cross the placenta. Measurements of both exposure and outcome were made at the individual level (previously these were made less precisely at the community level, in so-called “ecological” studies). Also, the study by Till et al., 2020 showed that the infant brain is also susceptible to damage from fluoride. They showed a large reduction in IQ when children were bottle-fed as babies in communities which were fluoridated, compared with babies who were bottle-fed in non-fluoridated communities. Most importantly, the fluoride exposures in all these studies were at levels commonly experienced by pregnant women and children in fluoridated communities in Canada. The weight of evidence now strongly suggests that fluoride is capable of damaging both the fetal and the infant brain even at very low levels . Based upon Philippe Grandjean et al.’s Benchmark Dose Analysis , offspring born to women exposed to fluoride doses commonly experienced in communities at 0.7 ppm, would experience a loss of 4 to 5 IQ points. To put that into perspective, at the population level , a shift downward of 5 IQ points halves the number of very bright children (IQ >130) and increases by 57% the number of children needing special care (IQ <70). Both changes have enormous social and economic ramifications for Canada. According to Grandjean, because of the large number of children being deliberately exposed to fluoridated water, fluoride is causing a greater overall loss of IQ points today than lead, arsenic or mercury. The loss of IQ points has lifelong consequences. For the individual , it has been estimated that a loss of one IQ point would reduce lifetime earnings by $18,000 [Grandjean et al., 2012 ]. For the whole Canadian population, we are talking about losses of billions of dollars in lifetime earnings. The Fluoride Action Network in the United States has prepared a review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity from the Mother-Offspring studies , accessible here . RECENT STUDIES PUBLISHED ON OTHER ORGANS, TISSUES AND BODY SYSTEMS Bone A major prospective cohort study from Sweden demonstrates a higher risk of hip fractures in post-menopausal women associated with long term exposure to natural fluoride at levels that are in the same range as Canadian water fluoridation rates [Helte et al., 2021 ]. This is a very serious finding because it is well known that hip fractures in the elderly are debilitating, costly to treat, lead to a loss of independence, institutional care and often shorten the life of those impacted. This finding also underlines the fact that fluoride can impact our health from womb to tomb, effecting the brains of the fetus and the bones of the elderly after lifetime exposure. Kidney and liver function, hyperuricemia and reproductive endocrinology Recent epidemiological studies conducted in the United States, using individual biomarker measures of fluoride exposure, have found an association between low to moderate fluoride intake and impaired kidney and liver function [Malin et al., 2019 ], increased risk of hyperuricemia [Wei et al., 2021 ], as well as adverse effects on reproductive endocrinology in American adolescents [Bai et al., 2020 ].

  • Court Case Fact Sheet | Fluoride Free Canada

    FACT SHEET – TSCA WATER FLUORIDATION LAWSUIT WHAT: TSCA stands for the Toxic Substances Control Act, which authorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prohibit a chemical that presents an unreasonable risk to the general public or susceptible subpopulations. A group of non-profits and individuals petitioned the EPA in 2016 to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals into drinking water based on health risks. The EPA rejected the petition. In response, the groups sued the EPA in 2017: Food and Water Watch et al vs Environmental Protection Agency. A seven-day trial was held in June 2020 but the Court has yet to make a ruling. See the full timeline and details pertaining to the lawsuit. WHY: The plaintiffs are basing their case on fluoride’s neurotoxicity (brain damage), focusing on the link found in dozens of studies between higher-ingested fluoride levels and lower IQs in children. Evidence also links higher-ingested fluoride levels to higher attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) rates. There is a scientific consensus that ingested fluoride is neurotoxic. The plaintiffs argue it can be neurotoxic to children at levels recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service to fluoridate water at 0.7 parts per million (ppm). The EPA denies that claim. WHO: The plaintiffs are three non-profit organizations, Food and Water Watch, Fluoride Action Network and Moms Against Fluoridation, plus three individuals. The defendant is the EPA. The U.S. Department of Justice is leading its case. Edward Chen is the U.S. district judge hearing the case. The lead attorneys are Michael Connett for the plaintiffs and Brandon Adkins for the defendants. WHERE: The case is being held in federal court in the Northern District of California in San Francisco. Its hearings, previous trial and future trial have been/will be available to the public live on Zoom. WHEN: Since the June 2020 trial, Judge Chen has waited for a systematic review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity to be completed by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The final report was scheduled to be released on May 18, 2022, when it was blocked days before publication by the Department of Health and Human Services. Following a January 12, 2023 hearing, the judge rejected EPA’s request for further delays. The review was posted on NTP’s website March 15, 2023. On May 11, 2023, NTP’s Board of Scientific Counselors held a public meeting on NTP’s responses to outside reviews of its report. The next steps in its release have yet to be announced by NTP director Rick Woychik. The judge has set January 29, 2024 as the start date for a second phase of the trial , which may last for up to two weeks. Shortly after the trial, he’s expected to rule on whether fluoridation is an unreasonable risk to human health.

  • History | Fluoride Free Canada

    IS FLUORIDE SAFE & EFFECTIVE? February, 2024 By Robert C Dickson MD, CCFP, FCFP "I am a medical doctor, and I strongly oppose artificial water fluoridation. It is said that if a lie or mistruth is repeated often enough, it will finally be accepted as true. In this article published by DRUTHERS , Dr. Dickson summarizes the history and challenges of water fluoridation and why fluoridation is NOT safe. Dr. Bob Dickson, Chair of Fluoride Free Canada WHEN DID FLUORIDATION START? In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first community in the world to add fluoride to tap water, on the premise that it would prevent tooth decay. The type of fluoride commonly found in many rocks and the source of the naturally occurring fluoride ion in water supplies is calcium fluoride. The three main fluoride compounds generally used to fluoridate municipal water are industry byproducts: sodium fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid (hexafluorosilicic acid) and sodium silicofluoride. The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson HEXAFLUOROSILICIC ACID (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) Raw Materials, Manufacture, Toxicity and Public Health Concerns as an Active Ingredient in the Fluoridation of Drinking Water [September 2012] A MUST READ WHAT DIFFICULTIES AROSE? The public water supply is being used to deliver fluoride indiscriminately to every man, woman and child in our communities: Without control of dose (infants and adults alike get the same dose). Without consideration of the age, or nutritional and health status of the recipient (for example, those with a weak kidney or liver can be impacted). Without allowing for the individual’s informed consent on the matter. Dental fluorosis and skeletal weakness Children develop dental fluorosis by ingesting too much fluoride between 0 and 8 years of age. It doesn't matter if the fluoride comes from foods and drinks due to pesticides or processing, or toothpaste, or fluoridated water etc. Those with dental fluorosis have higher bone fractures as well as higher rates of learning disabilities. Thyroid issues : Thyroid medication is the third most prescribed medication to Canadian women, because fluoride is displacing iodine on the cell's receptors. Study shows that adults living in Canada who have moderate-to-severe iodine deficiencies and higher levels of urinary fluoride may be at an increased risk for underactive thyroid gland activity. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Paul Connett interviews Dr. A. K. Susheela from India, who discusses how ingesting fluoride irritates the stomach lining, leading to IBS. She discovered that from the moment you eliminate fluoride, the gastrointestinal mucosa and the microvilli will regenerate within 10-12 days. Canada has one of the highest prevalence of IBS in the world – estimated 18% vs. 11% globally. (Lovell et al. 2012 ). Now in Canada, ADHD medication is the number one prescribed medication to boys and girls 6 to 14 years of age and the second most prescribed medication to males between the ages of 15 to 24, according to a June, 2014 Statistics Canada report . But since 2017, the government-funded peer-reviewed science indicates that fluoride has the potential to damage the brains of our children . Many Canadian communities and countries around the world have banned the practice of adding fluoride to tap water. Fluoride Free Canada's mission is to educate and support all other Canadians in their efforts to do the same. MORE HEALTH EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE

  • Court Case Press Release | Fluoride Free Canada

    WE WON! Federal Court Rules That Water Fluoridation Poses an “Unreasonable Risk” to Children The ruling requires the EPA to take regulatory action to eliminate the risk, in a decision that could end the use of water fluoridation chemicals throughout the U.S. After a precedent-setting 7-year legal battle in federal court, an historic ruling by the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take regulatory action to eliminate the “unreasonable risk” to the health of children posed by the practice of water fluoridation. The verdict is a significant loss for the EPA and the promoters of fluoridation like the American Dental Association and the US Centers For Disease Control because the court found that their claims of safety–made for over 75 years–were in fact not supported by evidence. Senior Judge Edward Chen wrote, “the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children…the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response.” "In all, there is substantial and scientifically credible evidence establishing that fluoride poses a risk to human health; it is associated with a reduction in the IQ of children and is hazardous at dosages that are far too close to fluoride levels in the drinking water of the United States…Reduced IQ poses serious harm. Studies have linked IQ decrements of even one or two points to, e.g., reduced educational attainment, employment status, productivity, and earned wages.” The ruling did not specify exactly what measures must be adopted by the EPA, but under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), once the court rules that a chemical poses an unreasonable risk, the EPA is obligated by law to restrict or eliminate the risk. Judge Chen described a range of options for regulating fluoridation, including banning it, but he warned, “One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk." READ THE FULL RULING Here are some notable excerpts from the ruling: Pg 3: There is little dispute in this suit as to whether fluoride poses a hazard to human health. Indeed, EPA’s own expert agrees that fluoride is hazardous at some level of exposure. And ample evidence establishes that a mother’s exposure to fluoride during pregnancy is associated with IQ decrements in her offspring. Pg 5: The pooled benchmark dose analysis concluded that a 1-point drop in IQ of a child is to be expected for each 0.28 mg/L of fluoride in a pregnant mother’s urine. This is highly concerning, because maternal urinary fluoride levels for pregnant mothers in the United States range from 0.8 mg/L at the median and 1.89 mg/L depending upon the degree of exposure. Not only is there an insufficient margin between the hazard level and these exposure levels, for many, the exposure levels exceed the hazard level of 0.28 mg/L. Pg 5: Even if the toxicologically determined hazard level of 0.28 mg/L were deemed insufficiently substantiated, evidence in the record still establishes with little doubt that fluoridated drinking water presents a risk of injury to health. Pg 6: The EPA’s default margin of error requires a factor of 10 between the hazard level and exposure level due to variability in human sensitivities… Here, an even greater margin (100x) is owed because the methodology (which yields the 4 mg/L hazard level) uses the lowest observed adverse effect level (“LOAEL”); this methodology adds an additional level of uncertainty (and hence the application of a 100x rather than 10x margin). But even if only the default 10x margin is required, the safe level of fluoride exposure would be 0.4 mg/L (4 mg/L (hazard level) divided by 10). The “optimal” water fluoridation level in the United States of 0.7 mg/L is nearly double that safe level of 0.4 mg/L for pregnant women and their offspring. Pg 77: The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present ; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ. There are uncertainties presented by the underlying data regarding the appropriate point of departure and exposure level to utilize in this risk evaluation. But those uncertainties do not undermine the finding of an unreasonable risk; in every scenario utilizing any of the various possible points of departures, exposure levels and metrics, a risk is present in view of the applicable uncertainty factors that apply. Pg 78: There is significant certainty in the data set regarding the association between fluoride and reduced IQ. Namely, there is a robust body of evidence finding a statistically significant adverse association between fluoride and IQ . A large majority of the 72 epidemiological studies assessed by the NTP Monograph observed this relationship including all but one of the 19 high-quality studies, see ¶¶ 34-36, and literature published after the NTP Monograph cutoff date observed the same relationship, see ¶ 37 – and countervailing evidence, for various reasons described previously, are of little impact on this repeated, and consistently observed association between fluoride and reduced IQ, see ¶ 39. Moreover, complete consistency amongst studies is not expected. See Dkt. No. 414, Feb. 9, 20240, Trial Tr. at 1172:23-1173:6 (Savitz). Notably, notwithstanding inherent difficulties in observing this association at lower exposure levels, studies assessing such levels still observed a statistically significant relationship between fluoride and reduced IQ. See ¶¶ 42-44. Again, to put the breadth of evidence supporting this finding in perspective, the EPA has identified a LOAEL based upon far less in other contexts. For instance, in the EPA’s risk evaluation of Methylene, conducted pursuant to Amended TSCA, the EPA used a LOAEL for developmental neurotoxicity, derived from the analysis of one study conducted upon mouse pups (Fredriksson et al., 1992). See Methylene Risk Evaluation at 262. Compare this with 6 (water fluoride) and 9 (urinary fluoride), high-quality, epidemiological studies of human populations underling the 4 mg/L LOAEL underlying the POD here. Dkt. No. 431-2, Trial Ex. 68 at 39, 41 (eTable 4). The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ. The qualitative evidence is superior. Pg 76: The size of the affected population is vast . Approximately 200 million Americans have fluoride intentionally added to their drinking water at a concentration of 0.7 mg/L. See Dkt. No. 421 at 206-07 (undisputed). Other Americans are indirectly exposed to fluoridated water through consumption of commercial beverages and food manufactured with fluoridated water Pg 76: Approximately two million pregnant women, and over 300,000 exclusively formula-fed babies are exposed to fluoridated water. The number of pregnant women and formula-fed babies alone who are exposed to water fluoridation each year exceeds entire populations exposed to conditions of use for which EPA has found unreasonable risk ; the EPA has found risks unreasonable where the population impacted was less than 500 people. The Fluoride Action Network’s attorney, Michael Connett, said, “The Court has done what EPA has long refused to do: applied EPA’s risk assessment framework to fluoride. It’s a historic decision. And, as we await EPA’s rulemaking proceeding, policymakers would be well advised to ask: “Should we really be adding a neurotoxicant to our drinking water?” BACKGROUND The lawsuit was brought under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) which allows citizens to petition the EPA to evaluate whether a chemical presents an unreasonable risk to public health and should be regulated. It also empowers citizen groups to challenge the EPA in court after denial of a petition. TSCA gives EPA the authority to prohibit "the particular use" of a chemical substance if it’s found to present an unreasonable risk to the general public or susceptible subpopulations. FAN submitted a Citizens Petition under Section 21 of TSCA to the EPA in November 2016 requesting a ban on the addition of fluoridation chemicals to water. When the EPA denied our Petition, FAN filed suit in federal court in 2017, joined by consumer advocacy groups, Food and Water Watch and Moms Against Fluoridation , public health associations, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine , and the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology , as well as several individuals representing themselves and/or their children, including Brenda and Ko Staudenmaier and Kristie Lavelle. After a two-week bench trial held via Zoom in June 2020, the trial was placed in abeyance as the court awaited the finalization of the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) systematic review of fluoride neurotoxicity. However, in 2022, pressure from pro-fluoridation interest groups led to NTP’s report being blocked from public release by top officials in the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Plaintiffs submitted documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act exposing this intervention to the court. This discovery led to a legal agreement forcing the report to be made public and prompting Chen to rule that the trial should go forward using the draft report from the NTP. A second, and final, phase of the bench trial was held over several weeks during the winter of 2024. And just last month, the NTP finally published the first part of their report, finding a “large body” of evidence that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children.” An accompanying NTP meta-analysis is soon to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. Click here for a timeline of the lawsuit . Click here for FAN’s comprehensive webpage on the lawsuit PRECEDENT SETTING This is the first time a citizen's petition has gone to trial, and it’s the first time a citizen group has won a trial against EPA under TSCA Section 21. Our case and our victory will undoubtedly create opportunities for citizen and environmental watchdog groups to use the same blueprint as FAN in the future to force the EPA to adequately regulate chemicals that pose an unreasonable risk to public health. This trial was also the first time citizen groups have successfully obtained a full objective review of the science on fluoridation, in a courtroom, with experts under oath, under TSCA's provisions that create a level playing field between the citizen groups and the EPA defending a chemical. Under most statutes, when citizens sue a federal agency, the courts give deference to the views of the agency. But in this lawsuit, under a special provision of TSCA, the court does not give deference to the EPA. Congress specifically added this level playing field because it recognized EPA can be too slow to address harmful chemical exposures. INITIAL MEDIA COVERAGE The media is quickly picking up this story, with coverage thus far from the following outlets: CBS News: Federal Court Rules Against EPA in Lawsuit Over Fluoride in Water Bloomberg Law: EPA Must Reduce Fluoride’s IA Risks to Children, Court Says The Defender: Fluoride in Water Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Children, Federal Judge Rules Dr. Bicuspid: U.S. Court - Fluoride in Water Risky, Must be Addressed CNN: Fluoride in Water Poses Enough Risk to Merit New EPA Action, Judge Says Reuters: EPA Must Address Fluoridated Water’s Risk to Children’s IQs, US Judge Rules The Hill: Judge Orders EPA to Address Potential IQ Impacts of Fluoride in Drinking Water Politico: Fluoride Ruling Pushes EPA for Regulatory Action Associated Press / ABC News: Fluoride in Drinking Water Poses Enough Risk to Merit New EPA Action, Judge Says …and much more is expected over the coming days. NEXT STEPS The court has ordered EPA to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to come up with a new regulation that will restrict or eliminate the risk posed by fluoridation chemicals to the developing brain. The ONLY way to effectively do this is to end fluoridation. Communities are currently adding this neurotoxin to the public water supplies voluntarily. The harm is needlessly self-inflicted, but this also means the solution is simple: ban the use of fluoridation chemicals. The EPA may appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit , or they could take a few years to develop rules. In our view, attempts by the EPA to appeal or delay this ruling will only result in harm to hundreds of thousands of additional children, particularly those whose families are unable to afford expensive reverse osmosis or distillation filtration of their tap water. We urge everyone reading this bulletin to share it, along with the ruling itself, with your local media outlets, decisionmakers, neighbors, and state legislators. Policymakers at the local and state level do not need to wait to take action. The federal government doesn’t mandate fluoridation, and thus local and state decisionmakers can take action immediately. We have a very thorough decision made by the federal courts based on extensive evidence. The public didn’t sign up to have a chemical added to public drinking water that could adversely affect the brain. And while a cavity can easily be filled, damage to the brain is permanent, and the consequences are lifelong. There are no second chances when it comes to impaired brain development. Sincerely, Stuart Cooper Executive Director Fluoride Action Network

  • Donate | Fluoride Free Canada

    Help Us $ave Your Children's Brains from Fluoride's Neurotoxicity PREFERRED DONATION METHOD: Use your online banking to: eTransfer to (We then get your complete donation without PayPal fees.) OR USE THE BUTTON BELOW TO: Donate with PayPal Donate with Debit or Credit Card We happily volunteer our time and talents for Fluoride Free Canada, but funds are required for operating costs. For example the annual costs for this website. Rest assured that we will also let you know when we start any major initiatives requiring funds.

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