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What's New – A log of postings

A simple way for you to see what's new on our site!

Added a link to a May, 2024 podcast hosted by former Ontario physician Dr. Trozzi with Director of Fluoride Free Canada, Dr. Bob Dickson. They discuss the full scope of fluoridation issues from the beginning to the current lawsuit with the Environmental Protection Agency.

June, 2024

Added to the home page video strip, a May, 2024 podcast (in French) where Gilles Parent ND, Director of Fluoride Free Canada, is interviewed by Franc Masson's "Eye Opener" podcast "Dans le franc des yeux".  Dr. Parent is an expert in everything fluoride, from co-authoring "Fluoridation: Autopsy of a Scientific Error", to being instrumental in Quebec being 99% fluoride-free.  

June, 2024

Added two additional studies to the New Science page: (1) May 2024: Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months (2) July 2024: PKC-θ is an important driver of fluoride-induced immune imbalance of regulatory T cells/effector T cells.

June, 2024

Added to the home page "Presentations to Government Bodies", two presentations done by Windsor, Ontario; one in 2012 with a positive result (which was overturned in 2022; and one in May, 2024 showing current science.

June, 2024

Added to the bottom of the New Science page, a “sampling” of the scientific studies and reports relevant to water fluoridation, published since the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) 2015 recommendation to lower the fluoridation target to 0.7 ppm; created by Brenda Staudenmaier, a Plaintiff in the US lawsuit against water fluoridation and maintained on her website

February, 2024

Added two additional Canadian studies to the New Science page: (1) January, 2024: Fluoride exposure and thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy; (2) November 2023: Systematic review of epidemiological and toxicological evidence on health effects of fluoride in drinking water 

February, 2024

Added to the home page video strip, lead attorney Michael Connett's interview on the Kim Iversen Show where he talked about those who are the most vulnerable to ingesting fluoride; as well as his interview at trial and interviews by FAN's expert witnesses at trial: Dr. Howard Hu, Dr. Bruce Lanphear and Dr. Philippe Grandjean. 

February, 2024

Updated the Court Case Progress page with the latest on the trial, including a chart of the trial timeline, and video interviews of FANs expert witnesses at trial:  Dr. Howard Hu, Dr. Bruce Lanphear and Dr. Philippe Grandjean. 

February, 2024

Added to the History page, a February, 2024 article for Druthers newspaper, written by Dr. Bob Dickson, summarizing the history and challenges of water fluoridation and why fluoridation is NOT safe. 

February, 2024

Added to the New Science page, a January, 2024 report:  The Lotus Study which is the largest fluoride study ever conducted, concluding NO meaningful benefit to water fluoridation. 

February, 2024

Added to the home page, the Zoom link to the live Court Case, and added a video to the end of the Court Case updates page, where Michael Connett is being interviewed a day before the trial.

February, 2024

Added to the home page, a mini documentary by Michael Connett, the lawyer for the Plaintiff in the EPA trial, entitled:  Fluoride On Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health

January, 2024

Added to the home page, a short video by the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology on The National Toxicology Program and Fluoride Neurotoxicity.

November, 2023

Added "Sept. 23: One-Page Fact Sheet & Status" button to the lawsuit section on the home page.

September, 2023

Added July 5, 2023 video interview with Paul Connett PhD, with an update on the EPS lawsuit and detailing VERY passionately his experiences and frustration in dealing with government agencies.  See "Fluoride in Water: The TRUTH" on the video strip.

September, 2023

Added August, 2023 podcast with Director of Fluoride Free Canada, Dr. Bob Dickson, containing excellent advice and tips for everyone!

August, 2023

Added February, 2023 scientific study by Till and Hall on an association between fluoride exposure from tap water and hypothyroidism in pregnancy

February, 2023

Added a detailed report on Hexafluorosilicic Acid (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid): Raw Materials, Manufacture, Toxicity and Public Health Concerns as an Active Ingredient in the Fluoridation of Drinking Water to the History page

February, 2023

Sent out Notice of the Fluoridation Hearing with the US Environmental Protection Agency and the follow-up report.

January, 2023

Added the video of the October Hearing in the Court Case with the Environmental Protection Agency

December, 2022

The latest status of the Court Case with the Environmental Protection Agency
(Merged all updates onto one page)

November, 2022

Added to video strip on home page: 5 Minutes of Hard Core Truth - Toxins in Water

October, 2022

Updated the status of the Court Case with the Environmental Protection Agency

September, 2022

Added Resource page of Highly Recommended Resource Materials (books)

June, 2022

Added End Fluoride Toronto to the Advocacy page and linked to their Facebook

May, 2022

Added Fluoride Free Montreal to the Advocacy page and linked to their Facebook

April, 2022

When Citizens Get Involved - Article added to Eau Secours on Advocacy page

February, 2022

Added Regina to the Advocacy page and linked to their Facebook

February, 2022

Added Vancouver to the Advocacy page and linked to Media Challenges

February, 2022

Added "Who is With Us" page to show organizations against fluoridation

January, 2022

Restructured homepage and added Memes and "What's New" button

January, 2022

Added "Case Status - Dec. 31/21" link in Court section of home page linking to video

January, 2022

Added Presentations to Government videos to bottom of homepage

December, 2021

Donate page updated with request to eTRANSFER to save PayPal fees

December, 2021

1952 video on fluoridation posted as a link at the top of When Did Fluoridation Start

December, 2021

"Our Message" video posted - Intro on home page and full video on the About page

October, 2021

New Science page updated with Christine Till bio and video

October, 2021

Videos and Media articles posted to Advocacy page

September, 2021

1st Newsletter Posted (link to Newsletter page in footer)

September, 2021

Website Live

September 1st, 2021

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